Unigenome uses leading sequencing technologies from Illumina, Themofisher Scientific, Pacific Biosciences and Oxford Nanopore, in our state-of-the-art sequencing centre in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Quality is our prime focus for all our services as reliable and high quality NGS data is a key component in genomics research. At Unigenome, we use the most effective technologies like Illumina NovaSeq 6000, HiSeq, Oxford Nanopore, Ion Torrent S5 plus, Genexus and PacBio Sequel platforms from world leading genomics brands. We have the team of expert scientists and doctors working to cater the scientific community. Our experienced team has developed optimized NGS processes and protocols to ensure the best possible scientific outcome for your research. We are Illumina certified service provider and one of the major partners of Illumina Genome Network in India. Our team has expertise in major scientific domains like animal, human, environmental, plant, insects and microbial genomics. We bring best in class experience and expertise on a single platform under the name Unigenome.
Introduced by Illumina in January 2017, the NovaSeq Sequencer provides tremendous scalability and flexibility to accommodate diverse applications and project sizes, for virtually any sequencing method, genome, and scale of project. The NovaSeq sequencer extends applications previously unavailable on HiSeq X Ten, such as expression profiling, whole transcriptome analysis, microbial genome, WES, low pass WGS, etc., while accommodating rapid turnaround, flexible configurations and cost effectiveness. The addition of these NovaSeq sequencers not only expands Unigenom sequencing capacity, but also greatly reduces our sequencing turnaround time. With the NovaSeq, we are able to sequence up to 48 human whole genomes and produce 6Tb of data per single run as short as 40 hours.
System specifications:
850G raw data per lane, 3.4T raw data per Flowcell and 2 x 150 bp read length;
800M raw reads per Flowcell and 2 x 250 bp & 2 x 50 bp reads length;
Oxford Nanopore Technologies offers real-time, long-read, direct and large-scale sequencing of DNA or RNA.
The PacBio Sequel System is the SMRT sequencing platform that provides ultra-long sequencing reads with high consensus accuracy, uniform coverage, and simultaneous epigenetic characterization at single-molecule resolution. The PacBio Sequel System provides 7x more throughput, more scalability, and lower sequencing costs than the PacBio RS II System, while maintaining the same benefits.
The Ion GeneStudio S5 Plus System is a semiconductor-based next-generation sequencing (NGS) system that enables simple targeted sequencing workflows. From genes to exomes, the Ion GeneStudio S5 Plus System is designed to enable flexibility to help labs manage small and large projects across multiple applications. With cartridge-based reagents, the system is simple to use and offers scalability and flexibility. It uses Ion 5 Series chips to support a broad range of high-throughput sequencing for clinical research and research applications from microbial genomes and gene panels to exomes and transcriptomes.
Key features:
• Select the chip (Ion 510–550 chip) that fits your application and throughput needs to achieve from 2–130 million reads per run
• Reduce setup time and complexity with cartridge-based plug-and-play reagents
• Complete run and analysis in hours and move forward with your experiments
The Ion Torrent Genexus System is the first turnkey next-generation sequencing (NGS) solution that automates the specimen-to-report workflow and delivers results in a single day with just two user touchpoints. The system requires only extracted nucleic acid to start the process that also in very less amount. The system is configured in a way so that it can completely prepare library and perform sequencing run in just 24 hours whereas complete analysis and report generation takes extra 5-6 hours. Genexus is capable of delivering sample to report in fully automated manner and caters for all targeted disease panels available from Thermofisher scientific.
The Genexus System consists of a purification system and an integrated sequencer, combining and automating nucleic acid extraction and purification, library preparation, sequencing, and analysis reporting under a single software ecosystem*. This reduces the number of instruments and consumables required and free your time for more technical applications, boosting your lab’s overall efficiency. Its minimal user touch points, lower user variability, increases reproducibility of results.
Unigenome is a part of Unipath Specialty laboratory Ltd. Unipath has more than 35 branches across 11 states in India. Unigenome has high end Next Generation sequencing (NGS) facility and bioinformatics analysis setup. Unigenome Sequencing centre is founded in 2021 and is equipped with the NovaSeq 6000, Miseq, and HiSeq 4000 sequencing platforms from Illumina and Ion S5 plus and Genexus system from Thermofisher Scientific to serve customers in India and abroad. Unigenome offers Next generation sequencing services and analysis of human for clinical purpose and NGS services of plants, animals, insects, microbes, algae to research community. The facility is equipped with automatic workstations, sequencing platforms and High-Performance Computing Clusters.
We are proud to be able to support your research by generating high-quality, publication-ready data in a rapid time-frame. Reach out to us and we will get back to you shortly.
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